Welcome to the collage journey. This journey will take you into a body exploration starting from a visual score made with the collage technique.
Before starting we suggest you prepare yourself by experiencing one of the audio journeys. Make sure you are in a space where you can move and wear something that makes you feel good.
We chose to offer one collage journey made with miniatures of movers, natural elements and inanimate objects. You can either follow our collage proposition or play with creating your own one. You can experience the journey alone or collectively with your peers.
In case you wish for some musical support feel free to play your favourite tunes in parallel to the journey.
Before following our instructions take a moment to read our tips. Then start your journey!
Start your journey
Take a brief look at this image.

Now choose one of the characters present in the score in the gallery underneath. Let your intuition guide your choice and be sensitive to the first sensation this vision gives to your body.
Observe your character.
Can you physicalize an aspect that triggers you the most?
Identify one or two physical properties and explore them in movement.
Choose one of the properties to stick with.
What is your superpower?
Start another movement session in which you will explore deeper your chosen property and discover your superpower.
Embrace the story that is emerging!
Look again at the score in the gallery underneath. Use the one where your character is alone. Choose a path on the score and explore your character in the space.
What trajectory do you wish to take?
Transpose the score in the physical space you are now in.
Start a new physical exploration immersing your character in the space and travel your chosen path in it. During this movement session you can focus on the properties and the textures of the materials in the collage and transport them in space. If you are not alone, don’t force yourself for interaction: if you cross each other’s paths, be conscious and respectful to others.
Take a moment to reflect on your experience and write down a name for your character.
If you feel it, write a short message to your character.
Use this last exploration to celebrate your transformation in the character and enjoy the legacy of your journey.
Tips to fully enjoy the experience
Here are some tips we invite you to follow in order to fully live the Movement Journeys experience:
BE CURIOUS AND EXPLORE: be curious and explore the story that is emerging. The collage is a framework that brings you to a certain experience. You don’t need to physically represent it but you can start from there to go somewhere else.
GREAT THINGS START SMALL: initiate your physical experience from a small source in your body and let it become a sensation that you can expand to the rest of the body.
FIND A TRANSFORMATIVE CONSISTENCY: never interrupt the exploration. Stick with the principle but keep in mind that you are always allowed to transform it.
BE INTUITIVE AND REFLECTIVE: let your intuition guide the starting of your experience and dedicate time to reflection after completing it / Let your intuitive experience speake to your reflections.
TAKE YOUR TIME: be patient for something to emerge and go with your own rhythm.
EXPERIENCE THE JOURNEY: live in the presence of what you are experiencing: live the journey, don’t perform it.
CELEBRATE YOUR FINDINGS: if you find something, celebrate it.
All set? Lets go!