Jonas Frey and Silvia Giordano are the founders of Movement Journeys. They are both professionally involved in choreography and movement research. Since 2019 Jonas and Silvia have been developing their own artistic research with a specific focus on tools to trigger body imagination and intuitive responses, enhancing the creative body, finding freedom through boundaries and searching for ways of provoking meaningful physical experiences both for dancers and non-dancers.
Concept & development: Jonas Frey, Silvia Giordano
Production: Julie Pécard
Contributing dancers: Cristina Roggerini, Rossella Amadori, Roberto Cherubini, Amy Josh, Delphina Parenti, Sarah Herr
Notes on transmission and approach
A subjective license
Movement journeys can be an individual or collective experience, it can include the complete path with the execution of both sensory experiences or it can be lived only partially by choosing one of them.
This subjective license approach allows the doers to trigger their intuitive decision-making skills and their reflection capabilities by bridging together emotion and cognition.
Movement journeys is supported by NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien in the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR. In cooperation with EinTanzHaus Mannnheim and La Cap Re|hub. With the kind support of Sosta Palmizi and Home Centro Coreografico.